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  • Writer's pictureKibz

4 Words to Accept Someone with a Mental Illness

We all have someone in our lives that irritate us the most.

Everything they say or do may upset you.

They may have particular habits you don’t like.

No matter how much you try to convince them to do better,

They just don’t see it.

It boils your blood.

You may even have resentment towards them

Because it seems like they’re refusing to take your advice

As they continue to live their destructive lifestyle.

Even though their level of thinking isn’t as “woke” as yours,

To unconditionally love someone is to reframe our thinking

And understand:


They believe everything they’re doing is out of the highest positive intention.

I know it can be a tough pill to swallow.

However, the sooner we put ourselves in their shoes,

The sooner we can accept them as they are.

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