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  • Writer's pictureKibz

How to Deal with Someone Who Insults You

I saw a video on social media involving a woman who had such extreme road rage,

She blurted out, “I hope your kids get cancer.”

What could compel a person to spew something so vile to a complete stranger?

Think about the people who want to make sure their comebacks/rebuttals sting as much as possible.

They make it tremendously personal.

It might get to the point where it’s not intended to be funny anymore but rather cruel.

Hurting people hurt people.

Occasionally, you’ll deal with a “sniper.”

The trick isn’t to focus on the insult.

The trick is to focus on why they have the need to “snipe.”

Once you know the difference, maybe you won’t be as offended

As these people may be coming from a place of hurt

As they reflect their inner thoughts about themselves onto you.

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