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  • Writer's pictureKibz

How to Make Someone with a Mental Illness Feel Important

While being interviewed, Bill Clinton would make the interviewer feel like they were the most important person in the room.

Isn’t it normally the other way around?

Interviews work better than interrogations because you can highlight a person’s strengths.

That’s how an interview should go.

Think like an interviewer and use a technique Malcolm Gladwell calls: Swiveling the Spotlight

Most people act like interviewers, but secretly try to revert the attention back to themselves.

When we speak to people as if they’re worthy of getting their own press conference,

We make them feel special.

We must hang onto every word they say.

This level of fascination makes you a great conversationalist because everyone’s favorite topic to talk about is themselves!

The KEY word is:


How did that happen?”

“How’d you end up doing that?”

Always make it about them!

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