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  • Writer's pictureKibz

How to Use the 5 Love Languages for Mental Health (Part 4/6)


You can say: “I was just thinking about you” and make someone feel special.

You can take it further by saying: “That’s why I decided to give you this.”

Gifts only work when you give out of your own generosity, not because they asked you to.

It doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be just about anything, as long as you show how much you value their presence.

(Presents/gifts, get the pun?)

For example:

Give your spouse flowers once a month but on an unexpected day.

Getting it on the same day each month becomes predictable.

If asked why you got them? Your answer: Just because.

It doesn’t always have to be birthdays and Christmas to give gifts.

You will feel more fulfilled giving than receiving. I guarantee you.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

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