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  • Writer's pictureKibz

How Your Reticular Activating System Affects Your Mental Health

Your Reticular Activating System (RAS) acts as an antenna in the back of your brain.

It focuses on what you want it to focus on and brings you more of it.

You may or may not be conscious of it, but it’s happening.

For example: My first car was a red Nissan 240sx.

Right after I got it, I noticed other Nissans just like it driving everywhere.

While my wife was pregnant, we'd notice how many other pregnant women were around us everywhere we went.

Were there actually more people purchasing the same exact car immediately after I got it?

Was there a sudden spike in baby fever during my wife's pregnancy?

Your RAS filters your focus.

It’s like searching something on Google and seeing the link you're looking for JUMP out at you.

What are you unconsciously focusing on?

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