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  • Writer's pictureKibz

The Carrot, Egg, & Coffee Bean Story

A young woman confided in her mother and expressed her depression,

Feeling helpless and hopeless.

Her mother walked into the kitchen and filled 3 pots with water.

After they were boiling,

She put carrots in the first pot,

Eggs in the second,

Coffee beans in the last.

After some time, she removed all 3 and put them into separate bowls.

She told the daughter to feel the carrots. They were soft.

She said to peel the eggshell. The egg was firm.

Finally, she said to sip the coffee. It tasted rich.

Daughter asked, “What’s the point of this?”

Mom replied,

All 3 faced the same adversity.

The carrot seemed strong but became soft.

The egg seemed fragile but became hardened and stiff on the inside.

The coffee changed the water/environment and released its fragrance and flavor.”

Which one are you?

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