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  • Writer's pictureKibz

The Monkey Trap Method

Many years ago, monkey brains were considered a delicacy in some parts of the world.

Back then, monkeys were easily hunted by trapping them with hollowed coconuts

That was attached to rope which was then tied around a tree.

A hole was carved into the coconut and had enough space for a monkey’s hand to fit inside.

It was usually filled with rice because they’d think it is food.

A monkey would walk by, smell the food,

Then reach into the coconut to grab the rice.

As the monkey held on to the food,

Its clenched fist would be too big to remove itself from the coconut.

Therefore it was trapped and left wide open to be hunted.

The rice was useless to the monkey

Yet, it continued to hold on to it.

Why do we hold on to grudges?

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