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  • Writer's pictureKibz

The ONE Word Keeping You in a “Sunken Place”

There’s one word that’s holding you back and keeping you from moving forward.

We tend to get stuck in a place and it often sabotages us from achieving more.

That word is:


It can be used for nostalgia; however, we can dwell on unnecessary memories without realizing it.

Think about Mr. Potato Head for a moment (Random, but bear with me).

When I was a kid, I would put his limbs back together.

I would re-member him.

When I took him apart, I would dis-member him.

When you look back to the past, perhaps a certain event you didn’t like,

You are putting it back together, limb by limb until it is whole again.

I’m not saying to erase and forget EVERYTHING from your past.

My question to you is:

What kind of character are you assembling for yourself?

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