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  • Writer's pictureKibz

The ONE Word That’s Secretly Affecting Your Mental Health

I love words.

I believe that finding the definition of a word we throw around carelessly would have us become more cautious before it's said.

Today’s word is:


How many of us have that bitter feeling towards another person?

Sent is another word for DELIVER.

When you resent someone, your grudge against them gets re-delivered.

For example, if you have a coworker that you allow to get under your skin, you would have to bump into this person 5x a week (If you work full-time).

Your resentment toward them grows 5x, every week, week after week.

It compounds like a snowball down a slippery slope.

What if this was your spouse or family member?

If they’re suffering from a mental illness, would you allow this grudge to grow?




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