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  • Writer's pictureKibz

The Starfish Sender Story

There was a young man who wanted to write a book

but had writer’s block.

His friend lent him his private beach house

so the young man could clear his head

and spark his creativity.

When he got onto the balcony,

He noticed what seemed like piles of trash on the shore.

Then he saw a man pacing back and forth from the pile to the ocean.

He walked over for a better perspective.

He realized the piles were actually starfish that washed up on the coast.

The man he saw was actually putting the starfish back into the water,


The writer was baffled.

He exclaimed,

“You’re barely making a dent,

what difference are you making?”

The man put another one in the sea and replied:

“It made all the difference in the world…

to that one.”

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